Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Civil War And Changing Beliefs - 1404 Words

Luis Murillo History 16-01 December 13, 2014 Professor Dawson The Civil War and Changing Beliefs The United States has always had a rocky history and at much more often instances than we would like to admit because of controversial actions of its own citizen’s with regard to the Constitution. The Civil War of 1861 up until 1865 was one of America’s first industrial modern conflict involving very sensitive social issues on slavery that divided the nation and pitted American men against other American men. Prior to the Civil War, many slaves were brought from African territories to work in plantations as a free labor force. As a justification to owning slaves, it was imbedded that slaves where inherently inferior and as in many cases, treated less kindly than an animal would be. Much of these influences where brought from the European counterparts that the Americans had broken apart from, and unlike America, Europe was in a process of changing slaves into a force of wage labor, although they were still treated as subhuman. Since the Southern part of the United States had such a strong dependency on wealth through slave labor, many new equality ideologies and industrialization from the north caused great rifts and tensions between competing and opposite ideologies were one attempted to influence the other. Thus, the Civil War was a conflict of slavery due to a changing market revolution, the manifest destiny, and new found ideologies on concepts about slavery and freedom. TheShow MoreRelatedWomen During The Great Depression1471 Words   |  6 Pagesand shape the America known today. One particular event that has had a great significance was the Second World War. 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